Butcher Bob - 01/16/20

Norm Stamp is a name that will live on in Chosen Sons history forever. He was an original founding member in 1969 who, up until his untimely death in 2008, was still an active member. He believed in the Club and everything that it stood for so much that he was still involved with Club activities and rides. You always knew if Norman was around, because he always had an Amaretto-Vanilla cigar lit up.

Little John was the first of our Brothers to pass on. He was killed on his bike when he ran into     the back of a stopped truck that had no lights on his way home from a Club meeting. Though he was only about 5'6" and 150 lbs., John had a heart that was huge. He would and did stand by his Brothers no matter what, no matter the odds. He was a quiet little dude that loved to ride and party.

Devil Dog was with the Club for only a few short months. He retired after 24 years in the United States Marine Corps. He had a serious demeanor about himself. Devil Dog was a very intellectual man; he held a graduate degree in literature. Devil Dog loved to read, ride his bike, spend time with his Brothers and loved his family dearly. Devil Dog lost his life riding his bike. 'He went out with his boots on and his hair on fire.' You will be missed, Devil Dog. 
Kazoo finally lost his long battle with cancer. A quiet guy with a great sense of humor, he was always willing to lend a hand to help his brothers. He will be missed by all.

Scott - 08/01/1991

Animal - 08/19/2016

Mouth - 02/22/2010

Viking was tall and blond, and the incarnation of his name. Fiercely loyal to his brothers and an implacable foe, he could also be the life of the party. He served several years as the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Baltimore Chapter, and helped to found the Carroll Chapter. He was greatly respected by all.

Chosen Sons Motorcycle Club

​Joe "Wrecker" Ludwig passed away on January 9, 2016 when he was rear-ended in an automobile accident.  Wrecker was a member of the Chosen Sons MC for a little over a year and was in the Baltimore Chapter before transferring to the Harford Chapter where he was an active member until his untimely death.  His wife and four children were his world ad he loved them dearly.  Wrecker was small in stature but had a HUGE heart and a smile that would always cheer you up if you were having a bad day.  He beat cancer twice and always forgave everyone, which is why no matter what, he had everyone's respect.  He always said he was meant to be a Chosen Son and he will always be remembered!  "I am my Brother's keeper"!  Ride Hard and Ride Free Brother!!!  SFFS

Stroker - 02/27/20

Big Ed did not become a member of the Chosen Sons until very late in his life. It didn't matter, because at heart he was no older than any Club member. He loved being a member of the Chosen Sons MC and he told everyone so. Sadly, his health deteriorated, permanently forcing him off of his motorcycle. He was 76 years young when he passed away.

Manson - 07/19/2014

Boom - 06/14/2005

Crash - 09/04/2000

Fish - 04/23/21

Tex - 01/24/2009

Crash had just turned 32 weeks before his death, and he had only been married for a short time. He had finished his full bore custom bike, and was finally able to put some miles on it and put it in a few shows. Crash would poke fun at everybody, including himself, every chance he got. He was always ready to help a brother out. He was killed when something caushed his bike to swerve into a cement Jersey barrier on an exit ramp. His body impacted a sign, which threw him over the wall and to the pavement 40 ft. below.
Tigger put a lot of hard work and time into this Club. He was always making sure his Brothers were taken care of, and he proved to be a very selfless Brother. He was also a dedicated family man.

Tigger - 12/04/2010

Trigger - 07/16/2004

Jon "Murf" Murphy, an almost 40-year member of the Baltimore Chapter of the Chosen Sons Motorcycle Club in Maryland, died November 11th from cancer. He was a past president, and long standing Board of Directors member.

​He was an avid outdoorsman. He loved his toys: his bike, his car, and of course, his guns. He was also very into politics: "a Republican until the end."

Murf - 11/14/2014

Big Ed - 09/30/2007

Bang-bang was only 66 years old when he passed. He had had health problems for several years and had retired to Conway, S.C., but had never stopped being an active member. He was a big, big man in every way. One of his favorite bar tricks was to take a quarter, and pass it through his club ring - the ring he wore on his little finger. His heart was as big as his hands, and he changed everyone he met.
Wishbone was a level-headed, solid brother who always gave to his brothers and would do anything for all of them. He even gave his bike to the Road Captain when the Road Captain's bike broke down so that the Memorial Ride could continue on schedule. 

Wishbone was also a good family man, and he was loved by all who came to know him.  He is forever missed by everyone and will be remembered for his friendship, generosity, and loyalty to the Club.

Rock - 04/14/2002

Stick - 01/23/20

Every year, the CSMC has a Christmas Party where everyone's family is invited. Santa shows up every year, and Bulldog did a great job before he passed away. He was a quiet, soft-spoken guy who was dedicated to the Club and his Brothers.
Rock was lost as the result of an accidental shooting. He was as solid a brother as his name implies, and is sorely missed.

Killer - 01/10/19

Cones - 03/12/21

Manson lost his battle with cancer. Manson was a hard-headed man who would give his shirt off of his back for his Brothers. Manson was a deep thinker, and at times put too much thought into things. Manson loved to ride and loved a good argument. He knew how to be serious at times and he also knew when to joke around. Manson always found time to be with his Brothers. He marched to the beat of a different drum and will forever be missed.

Bulldog - 12/13/2006

Fallen Brothers of the CSMC

Loki - 08/27/20

Viking - 06/25/2003

Priest - 03/18/22

Mouth had just gotten his colors in 2009, and there is no doubt in our minds that he would have been a member for many, many years to come, if it were not for his passing away unexpectedly. As his name implies, he was not afraid to speak up and voice his opinion.

In his short tenure in the Club, he was appointed "Party Chairman" for the Pasadena Chapter, which just goes to show the commitment and dedication he had for his Brothers.
Trigger passed away when he lost control of his new bike and impacted a utility pole. He was a member of the law enforcement community and took vast pride in his sworn duty to serve and protect. He was due to ship out of the country with the U.S. Military shortly before his death, where he would have been actively protecting his homeland from terrorists.

Little John - 09/28/1985

Joker - 10/07/22

Blink passed away on May 12th, 2015 while riding on his motorcycle after a Club meeting. Blink was a Chosen Sons for 10 years. He held the title of Sergeant-at-Arms for the Carroll County for several years prior to being called upon to serve as a Nomad. Blink loved his brothers and would do anything for them, whether it was helping a brother financially or teaching him to be a better Chosen Son. He was larger than life and always found humor in every situation. Blink was the perfect example for all to follow on how to be a better Chosen Sons.

Cuz was a dedicated member, and will be sorely missed.
Boom is another brother who lost his battle with cancer. He was a small guy that always lent a hand when he could. He brought a sense of calm determination to everything that he did.

Maryland:  Baltimore | Pasadena | Harford | Carroll | Kent | Freeland | Anne Arundel | Dorchester | Cecil

North Carolina:  Benson 

Devil Dog - 09/14/2014

Mike G., aka Loud, was just what his nickname meant; full of life and running full throttle. No bike was ever fast enough or loud enough to satisfy him. No women were wild enough to keep up with him, either. He was killed when he was walking to his bike and a drunk driver came up the wrong side of the street and struck him. His favorite saying was "I love this shit!" And he did.

Norm - 04/24/2008

Mountain - 09/07/1986

Blink - 05/12/2015

Mike G. - 08/20/1992

Misfit - 08/10/19

Wrecker - 01/09/2016

Keg loved this Club and we loved him.

​Animal was a member of the Chosen Sons Motorcycle Club having dedicated himself to the Baltimore Chapter for 35 years.  He had held various Officer positions in the club and was a member of the Board of Directors helping to form club policy.  He was a respected club member and was a unique individual.  The proverbial man among men.  Hard drinking at times, story teller of various club exploits and a comedian at times that could keep you laughing.  He had a personality that you could seek him out for advice, for help or just bullshit with, but a hard core biker mentality.  A Harley Davidson rider / Jack Daniels drinker, a fair man to judge but first to the fight should that situation present itself.  He was a staunch defender of the club, it's name, it's members.  Right or wrong he had your back.  But a mortal man having succumbed to various health issues that the best of men could not overcome.  He died surrounded by a loving family and those club members and friends in spirit wishing him a heartfelt farewell and goodbye.  

A true Chosen Son / SFFS

Tex was a retired Baltimore City Firefighter, and no stranger to helping the Club and his brothers out. After his retirement from the Fire Department, he enjoyed many years with the Chosen Sons; but not nearly as much as we enjoyed having him a part of this Club.

Bang-bang - 01/13/2002

Wizard joined the Club in 2002 and he loved to make people laugh. One of the many ways he would do this was through card tricks and every time he would do one the person was always left in amazement. They would always ask him "How did you do that?" His response was always something comical like... "Very well, thank you" or "Can you keep a secret?" followed with a laugh. Wizard was a Road Captain for the Baltimore Chapter for years and most recently a Board Member. He loved the Club and was good at helping Prospects succeed through their Prospecting period. Wizard was loyal to his Club and loved all of his Brothers. He will be missed very much so. SFFS LSDS

Cuz - 05/21/2010

Don Baker - 12/12/20

Keg - 09/20/2012

Mountain was bigger than life. To party with him was an incredible experience. Nothing was ever laid back and reserved with him. He lived every moment to the fullest and was completely dedicated to his family and the club. To him, there was no difference. He had a temper that was awesome to see and could be a very scary person to outsiders. To his Brothers, he was always upfront and would forget about a difference of opinion as fast as he would take offense.


He was killed on his bike when he chased down a "cager" that had cut him off and the driver panicked. The cage cut him off again, intentionally, and Mountain highsided. We always said his temper would kill him and in the end it did.

​Wizard - 09/27/2017

Wishbone - 03/22/2013

Kazoo - 11/05/2003

Scott, aka Duncan, was the youngest member that we've lost. He had only gotten his colors a few weeks before his accident, and it was a huge shock to us all. On his way home from a club meeting, while riding with Snake, he struck a piece of 4x4 cribbing that dropped from a truck onto an unlit exit ramp. He died in Snake's arms. As a result of his     death, two of his brothers, Booger and Riceman, have joined the CSMC family.